Monday, September 26, 2011

Eric turns 11001 years old!

…which is 25 in Binary. :)

My birthday was great. Shantell made me Orange Chicken mmm delicious!  We watched Rio with Daniel which was pretty cute. Daniel loved dancing to all the songs in the movie.  I got some great presents, thanks guys! Shantell’s present was late so she wrote a riddle to tell me what it was, the riddle was really easy to solve since I had figured out a couple days earlier that she bought me a Kinect!  We didn’t take many pictures so we’ll just post them here instead of making a whole album.


Shantell took Daniel to the store to pick out a present for me. She took him through all the aisles (including the toy aisle) and the only thing he wanted to get me was that chocolate frosting with sprinkles. It went great with my cake :)


  1. I think it is so funny that he wanted frosting. Did he even know what it is? Is he a closet frosting addict? The shirt looks great on you.

  2. I'm glad that your birthday was awesome. You sure are old in binary! (Mom)

  3. Sounds like you had a good birthday! Did you get the Kinect yet? Do you like it? (Julie)

