Monday, September 17, 2018

September 2018

Hi Emily,

How are things? We've had fun reading your blog and Daniel suggested we make a blog for you! 

Dear Emily,

I love kindergarten. My teacher's name is Ms. Boyd. She's so nice. I like school and it is fun.

Rebecca loves school 

I ate a chocolate covered cricket! I didn't like it that much. 

Rebecca eating a chocolate cricket

And I also held two tarantulas! I wish I could hold more tarantulas. It felt kind of ticklish but I still liked it. I also lost my left top middle tooth.

Rebecca holds a tarantula

I love you. I wish I could wish I could see you soon. I hope you're having a fun time.



Dear Emily,

I'm in preschool. Mommy's my teacher and Julie. We mixed paint.  I like preschool. 

Marie and Carter painting

We're writing letters to you. I went to the spider festival. I maked a web. I painted with markers. I held a spider. It was Jumpy. It was cute. I want to hold another spider. I DID hold another one. 

Marie holding a jumping spider

I didn't want to hold a tarantula. It was too big. Daddy's here. I like yellow capes. Daniel broke his arm. I want to tell you "I love you." I played hide-and-go-seek and I was sad Daniel hided in the same place. I want a 'Punzel dress.



What Daniel has been up to:

About two weeks ago we went to Lagoon. It was fun, but on one of the rides I would have thrown up if I had food inside me.

Daniel, Rebecca and Marie riding Bluey the Whale ride at lagoon

In school I got this cool Indian vase and we played this game where you're trying to say a pinyin sound faster than the other person. I defeated 8 people on the other team, until the teacher told me to sit down so someone else could have a turn.

The Indian vase

On sept 13, 2018 I had a boat race. My boat looked the coolest, but it kept turning.

Daniel holds his boat up

On sept 17, 2018 we went to Park City to see an arachnid show. Where there were these cool robot blocks called Cubelets. Later we went to a cool street that looked like an old European street.

Daniel made a cool creation with Cubelets.

The kids by a bookstore at the entrance to the cool street

We had a fun time.

