Sunday, February 20, 2011

New Place to live

Update on our housing situation:
We didn’t end up buying the gorgeous condo from the last post after all, it was just too far away.  Instead we got an apartment right across the street from Eric’s building!  It takes him pretty much no time at all to walk to work.  Daniel and I especially like this apartment because Eric can come home for lunch EVERY day!!!  You can see our apartment on the right in the picture below and the building Eric works in is on the left…pretty sweet commute huh?


Here’s a video tour of our new place. (Eric chose the music to add a little dramatic effect)

Today Daniel found his new favorite food! Lisa’s Chili! It was a bit surprising because it was kind of spicy, but he just couldn’t get enough. Here is a picture:


  1. Wow, Daniel gets his own corner and a cpu of his own? And Fiero gets his own private bathroom? Wow, people might start applying to be a member of your family! And I like how close you are to work, except maybe that scary multi-laned highway you have to cross. Don't forget to look both ways!

  2. Awesome movie! Love the soundtrack! It's awesome that Daniel likes the Chili, Jayden liked it as his age too. You guys have a really big apartment, it could almost be a house!

