Sunday, October 9, 2011

Kids Day 2011


Kid’s Day this year was great!  We got Daniel a set of “Cars” books and Eric’s parents got him a toy bus that came with 3 little people and plays music.  He loved his presents, especially the bus, which he carried around all day and even slept with during nap time.  We had Chocolate ice cream (made with almond milk) for breakfast and some Sorbet (Daniel’s favorite).  We actually celebrated on Saturday so we could go out and do some of Daniel’s favorite things.  We watched the movie “Cars” then we took him to the library and let him pick out a book (it was about Cars of course), then we took him to the pet store to look at all the animals his favorites were the kittens and the fish.  To finish off the afternoon we took him to Wendy’s and got him some chicken nuggets and french fries.  When he woke up from his nap we played the Mickey Mouse ABC computer game and had a sock fight.  Daniel LOVED the sock fight, he thought Eric’s reactions to getting hit were hilarious.  We had a lot of fun, Daniel thinks every day should be Kid’s Day.

Here are some videos of opening presents:


  1. I can't believe he's big enough to say the word Bus!
    Our little ride on bus toy sings the same song! No way!

  2. I'm glad Daniel liked the bus. It sounds like he had a really fun Kid's Day!!

  3. It must be made by Fisher Price too.

    Yep, Bus is one of words he can say real well. He is starting learn a lot more words lately.

