Friday, July 15, 2011

Daniel: Alphabet Master

Lately Daniel has been learning the sounds of the letters in the Alphabet. Here is a video of him showing off his skills:

Sorry it’s a little long. We thought it was cute.


  1. Yeah, my nephew is pretty cute. He is so smart!! How old are normal kids before they learn letters?

  2. Oh yeah, Daniel is pretty much the cutest and smartest baby ever!

  3. Angie and I were both really impressed! Daniel is so intelligent and cute. Where did you get those great letters?

  4. This is Angie, I cannot login: The quacking was by far my favorite part. What a smartie!

  5. Wow! He knows all of his letters!? That's pretty awesome. He totally reminds me of Jayden, when he was little. I need to get some letters like that and start teaching Kaelyn. Did you get them on Amazon?

  6. Yep, we're pretty proud of him. There are still a few that he doesn't know (like X, Y, K, I, and C).

    We got the letters from Roberts (its a Craft store). I think most craft stores will have them.

  7. I agree with Angie. The quacking was the best part! Duck Warrior Jr.

