Friday, April 22, 2011

Portal 2 Party


Shantell and I have been looking forward to playing Portal 2 for months now. It is a hilarious sci-fi puzzle/adventure game with amazing graphics and physics. We pre-ordered it on Amazon and got it Tuesday (the day it came out). We played it all night on Tuesday and then beat it on Wednesday. It’s a great game!

You should play it.

Shantell even came up with the great idea of making Portal Pancakes for dinner on Tuesday. MMMmmm.


You might notice that there are TWO kinds of syrup.  Cold Mrs. Butterworth’s for me and warm Log Cabin for her.  Pancakes just aren’t the same without the proper syrup and we each prefer the syrup we grew up with.

Here’s a preview of Portals 2 in case you haven’t heard of it.  We loved it!


  1. Some of us Tedjamulias actually like WARM Mrs. Butterworth syrup! Sounds like a fun week at your house!

  2. I am a warm mrs buttersworth fan!

